About Amy

The memory of Amy is strengthened by the realization of how important she was to so many people.

For her family and friends there are memories of her childhood and youth: she was bright, vivacious, demonstrating determination and commitment. She matured into a young woman who pursued life in a thoughtful and diligent manner. Serious when necessary, she never missed an opportunity to bring humour to any situation, enjoying life to its fullest.

Amy grew up in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Attending Bayview Elementary School, Lord Byng Secondary School and transferring to Churchill Secondary School to follow the International Baccalaureate program.

Outside of school she joined her parents and sister for skiing, hiking, camping and international travel.

From an early age up to her passing she was involved in the Girl Guides of Canada. From a Brownie to a leader with the 35th. Vancouver Guides. She displayed her dedication to the organization, and later serving as treasurer for the Point Grey District.

While a teenager and into her twenties she worked weekends at the Muffin Granny on Granville Island and enjoyed the company of her co-workers and customers. By this time Amy had become a dedicated cycling commuter; climbing the hill to UBC and many other destinations regardless of the worst weather.

In 2002 Amy graduated from the University of British Columbia with a B.Sc., majoring in Biology and English. an example of how she combined a rigorous scientific mind with a love of literature. The following year she received her B.Ed.

Amy's teaching career started in Vancouver as a substitute teacher (Teachers Teaching on Call) in virtually every high school in the district, teaching both English and the Sciences. Vancouver Secondary Technical School was where she obtained a full-time position in the Science Department and became head of department early in her career. She also continued to teach summer school at Churchill Secondary.

Amy was a highly motivated teacher who enjoyed the respect of her students and colleagues. Amy had a keen ability to recognize the needs and abilities of her students and encouraged them to succeed. She was a sponsor of the Van. Tech. Student Council. Dedicated to public education she was active in the Vancouver Secondary Teachers Association.

Perhaps the best comments about Amy were made by her students at the Celebration of Life held at Van. Tech. in April 2012:

"She had the unique gift to close the gap between student and teacher with her great sense of humour, incredible generosity and respect for her students."
"...your teaching methods and sunny personality actually inspired me to try my hardest in Bio for the first time.."
"you were an awesome science teacher..."
"All of us who knew you will forever admire your sense of humour, sense of fashion, and love of life."
"She is my inspiration."

Note the comment on fashion  - Amy arrived at school in cycling gear but would quickly change into fashionable business attire and high heeled shoes!

Despite a busy career Amy made time to hike, follow current affairs, read widely and of course socialize with friends and family who remember many fun times in her company.

Amy's death as the result of a cycling accident on her way to work in March 2012 was a great loss to all who new her. The Amy Hurn Scholarship fund is a fitting reminder of her life as was her decision to be an organ donor.

She is loved and remembered by many.