Information for scholarship applicants
Established by the family, friends and colleagues of Amy. This fund was created in her memory and as a lasting reminder of her commitment to education.
The Fund provides financial assistance to Vancouver public high school students for up to four years of post secondary education.
Students from Vancouver public high schools are required to;
demonstrate a need for financial support.
have an academic record indicating their ability to pursue their chosen area of study.
involved in their local community with a history of: volunteering,
membership of youth groups, actively involved in environmental and/or
social issues.
intend to pursue a program in the sciences or science related studies.
be below the age of 25 at the time of application.
Application requirements
First time applicants are required to submit a letter of application of 500 words maximum including the following information:
Biographical profile.
Personal and career goals.
Academic and community activities; non-school based community activities will be particularly recognized.
Engagement with social or political issues.
Details of the proposed course of post secondary study.
The following documents are required to be submitted with the application:
Transcripts of final marks for school Grades 11 and 12.
of reference: A letter from a member of the applicant's community, a
letter from the applicant's science teacher and a letter from the
applicant's school which includes an endorsement from a counsellor or
administrator that the applicant has a financial need.
applicants are welcome to submit additional letters of reference.
All letters of reference shall include the contact information for the referee.
recipients are required to re-apply each year and demonstrate they have
maintained an acceptable academic standard. Transcripts of marks for
the previous semesters are required and details of the next year's
Amount of scholarship
will receive $2000 a year towards the cost of tuition. Two payments of
$1000 will be made directly to the post secondary institution where the applicant will study. Payment will be made in August and the following January.
Apply at
the application must be submitted prior to 5pm on June 30th. Questions to